Monday, 2 February 2015

Style Collective, Skin Types Top ImageWe're not alone in our never-ending pursuit to tame our skin issues. Even celebrities like Renée Zellweger, Brad Pitt and Cameron Diaz have been known to suffer from problematic skin such as acne or rosacea. Working toward better skin doesn't have to turn your life upside down, but small changes here and there might have positive effects on your skin concerns.

Oily skin: Be super gentle to your skin. Try to avoid irritating oily skin by using natural, gentle products. Eating plenty of leafy greens and green juicing may help to reduce inflammation in your body and keep breakouts and skin flare-ups to a minimum. Try a gentle and safe cleanser that avoids harsh chemicals in its ingredients. Also, try limiting the use of heavy makeup and sunscreen.
To calm redness: Try eating a diet low in starch and gluten. Some studies suggest that rosacea and redness in the skin can be caused by diet. Cutting an excess amount of sugar, alcohol and caffeine from your diet can also help to significantly reduce redness. A diet full of leafy greens, fresh veggies and anti-inflammatory foods like cinnamon, curry powder and turmeric are also beneficial in helping to calm redness.
Always talk to your derm or doctor about your skin and be open and clear with them about the results you want to see! You are beautiful, from the inside-out!

Normal skin: Drink eight-10 glasses of water daily; hydration is key in maintaining a gorgeous complexion. Also, snacking on raw, unsalted almonds will give you a vitamin E boost and may help to keep your skin healthy and glowing! Green juices that are low in sugar can also help to reduce inflammation in the skin, keep you hydrated and your skin vibrant.
Dry skin: Foods full of omega-3 fatty acids are a great choice for you. Foods like delicious wild salmon, olive oil, flax seed meal, chia seeds, avocados and even fish oil supplements are fabulous for that gorgeous face! Remember to also use a high-quality moisturizer, wash with lukewarm water and gently exfoliate as needed. I love using a natural mask using mashed avocado and Greek yogurt when I need some serious hydration!

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